[nmglug] setting up GnuPG for NMGLUG people

Kevin Karns kkarns at linuxmail.org
Wed Dec 3 09:32:23 PST 2003

Hash: SHA1

Hello nmglug!

I've been experimenting at home and work with both Linux and 
Outlook GnuPG plugins.

1) On Linux -- still testing with KMail on RedHat 9.0

  I was having segmentation issues with an out of date Ximian 
  Evolution coupled with my large mail box, so I quickly switched
  over to KMail.  It looks like KMail will work out for me, 
  after separating from 5 years of webmail addiction.  
kkarns at linuxmail.org
GPG-ID:  2A6CD225   
Key fingerprint = A213 2A3C CC81 DE11 FABD  7BEC 1E3B AE5D 2A6C D225

2) On W2K -- using MS Outlook and the Gnu/GDATA plugin. 

  It's pretty simple to setup, but it seems to use what I think is 
  a deprecated style of leaving the PGP tags in the text like 
  this e-mail does rather than using 
      "Content-Type: multipart/signed;" 
  tags in the Message Header.  A nice feature was it was able 
  to "snarf" Mark's public key with the click of a button.
  I've also got another option of managing keys at the 
  exchange server, but this isn't very Gnu-like.
kkarns at state.nm.us
GPG-ID:  A636B886 
Key fingerprint = 49F9 FFC4 8FFC 4894 A388  CA51 64E7 EC94 A636 B886

See you on Thursday.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (MingW32)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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