[nmglug] some nmglug photos

Will Pearson wpearson at mail.sfps.k12.nm.us
Mon Dec 29 08:40:37 PST 2003


Same thing with the breadbox picture.

DSC07797.JPG works as does DSC07798.JPG

On Tue, 2003-12-23 at 11:31, kkarns at linuxmail.org wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've put some photos up on the web.
> I never quite got around to writing a follow up to the community outreach 
> event from May ... our Linux advocacy at the Governor's Career Development 
> Conference at the SF Community College.  I remember that Jason said something 
> about a Director of the State Personnel Department wanting to change their 
> website to add a button for 'downloading Open Office' next to their button 
> for 'downloading Adobe Acrobat' because their office received a lot of 
> complaints from job applicants who didn't have the right software to download 
> the job application forms in MS Word Format,  (the last time I checked, 
> however, they hadn't made the change to the website.)
> Four photos of Gary doing an awesome job of demonstrating Linux and Open 
> Office:
>     http://www.cybermesa.com/~kkarns/DSC07797.JPG
>     http://www.cybermesa.com/~kkarns/DSC07798.JPG
>     http://www.cybermesa.com/~kkarns/DSC07799.JPG
>     http://www.cybermesa.com/~kkarns/DSC07800.JPG
> The breadbox lives:
>     http://www.cybermesa.com/~kkarns/DSC08778.JPG
> All of these are straight off the camera, and haven't been light adjusted or 
> rotated.
> I'll leave them up there for a few weeks.  They are all copyleft'ed.
> Kevin K.
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE/6Id5HjuuXSps0iURApJRAJ0bc1op6B0+5pPqo9Ni/ePsa3lJ+ACffvC2
> znORIVmtSKI+B+wjVBprK2I=
> =9/9v
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