[NMGLUG] [balrog]about us; goals v.0.1

Sam Noble samn at peoplepc.com
Mon Oct 20 12:14:02 PDT 2003

> Also SFBC should be spelled out. First time folks may not know that it means 
> Santa Fe Baking Company.

Yeah, I noticed this too. It made me imagine Santa Fe Bureaucratic
Corporation or something else intimidating.

> "We intend to be a resource"...
> Should be, "We are a resource"...
> We don't intend to do these things, we *ARE* doing these things.

Here, Here. Mars is a visionary.

By the way. For those who're just joining us: were discussing the About
Us, and Goals stuff at balrog.nmglug.org/temp/  which is the work in
progress for the nmglug website.

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