[nmglug] Knoppix 3.3, Debian Unstable, #nmglug

Jason Schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Tue Oct 21 16:58:40 PDT 2003

Ill bring about 5 Knoppix 3.3 CD's to the next meeting. 

What username do u use? Im roma and I was in there a few times when a
user and user_ where there.


On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 11:42, Sam Noble wrote:
> Hey, I'm getting frustrated with trying to get an .iso over dial-up.
> Anybody care to bring me copy of 3.3 on Thursday night?
> Also I'm really starting to get jealous of people running debian
> unstable/testing. While my threshold has not yet reached the point where
> I'm willing to spend the money on Comcast; it's getting close. In the
> meantime; does anyone have theories about what would be a workable
> system of keeping a desktop system up to date without being a serious
> pain? I don't normally have *any* regular access to a broadband
> connection (my office is even more stone-aged than my house) Is there
> any way? I'm guessing even 2:00am cron jobs would not be able to handle
> apt-get update, apt-get upgrade on unstable before morning right?
> ps I'm still sitting on my thumb all by myself at irc.debian.org #nmglug
> If you're not scared to be alone in a room with me; come hang out.
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