[nmglug] Re: Ubuntu and Beatrix

troy banther troy at banther-trx.homeunix.com
Fri Dec 17 05:15:35 PST 2004

Hello guys,

I am a Slacker who uses Dropline GNOME for the majority of my work both
personally as-well-as professionally. 

I have also come across Ubuntu and Beatrix Linux. It is getting me into
a Debian-flavored distribution and I can honestly I really like it. The
only issue is my USB key which is more-or-less a piece of crap.


 Troy W. Banther, B.S.(2)           \         "First they ignore you,
 Portales, New Mexico, USA           \        then they ridicule you,
 troy at banther-trx.homeunix.com     \       then they fight you,
 http://banther-trx.homeunix.com       \      then you win" - Mohandas
 adepto linux animadverto libertas      \     K. Gandhi (1869-1948).
 Redmond XPloder free since October 2003 and loving every minute of it.

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