[nmglug] certification of Engineers

Troy Banther troy at banther-trx.homeunix.com
Tue Jul 27 18:57:35 PDT 2004

Sort of puckers the butt for those of us trying to get ahead in life and
make more money. :)

Maybe I should convince a friend of mine to start an online Linux
certification program: "Certified Linux Technician".

On Tue, July 27, 2004 7:41 pm, Mars DeLapp said:
> Andres Paglayan wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> does anybody have or tried to get a RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer)
>> cert?
>> Sorry, there is no DCE (Debian Certified Engineer) to my knowledge.
>> (businees opt?)
>> I am reading-studying the Linux Route (.pdf book by Paul Sheer) someone
>> -besides the author- told me that book covers much beyond RHCE
>> examination. Is it true?
>> any comments on the exam?
>> http://channelzone.ziffdavis.com/article2/0,1759,1627528,00.asp
> One problem with getting one of those "certified engineer" certificates is
> that it is illegal to
> advertise yourself as an engineer unless you are licensed as a
> professional engineer. Under New
> Mexico state law, engineering licenses are issued by the State Board of
> Registration for
> Professional Engineers, not Microsoft or Red Hat.
> Microsoft, Red Hat, Novell or any other company has no authority to
> certify engineers anymore than
> they have the authority to certify medical doctors, airline pilots or
> attorneys.
> Mars
> --
> =============================================================
> J. Marsden DeLapp, PE
> President
> DeLapp & Associates, Inc. dba DeLapp Engineering
> Providing lighting and power planning, design and analysis services
> for commercial, industrial and large residential facilities.
> 1300 Luisa St Ste 23
> Santa Fe NM 87505
> (505) 983-5557
> http://DeLapp.com
> =============================================================
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...  troy banther - ultra-strict vegetarian, avid linux user
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