[nmglug] new user to linux

Sam Noble sam.noble at comcast.net
Thu Jun 24 10:01:04 PDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-06-23 at 20:19, l.selinger at comcast.net wrote:
> hi, 
> my name is liv. 
> i recently got an old DELL laptop  with a 166 MHz processor, and 32 MB RAM and would like to install linux on it but i have never done it before and have run into some troubles. i would like to bring it to the sfbc for your next meeting if anyone can help me/advise me on what to do to get started.
> thanks,
> liv

The answer, is yes definately we will be happy to help you
with your laptop at our next meeting, with the caveat that the specs on
that Dell are pretty low so I'd like to manage your expectations
regarding pretty GUI interfaces. To use a system like that you'll
probably be forced to use either a very minimalistic interface, or
learn to use command line tools. By the way, neither of these is a
particularly 'Bad Thing TM' Some of the minimalistic UI's are very
pleasing to use.

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