[nmglug] grabbing a realplayr pnm:// stream with wget or equiv.

Mark Galassi rosalia at galassi.org
Thu Mar 18 13:49:56 PST 2004

Amigos, I'm trying to grab and save to disk this file:


If I grab that URL I get the real underlying streaming URL for
realplayer to use:


I can use mplayer to play this and it works.  But I want to save it to
disk first.

a "wget" on the pnm:// URL does not work.  pnm:// is supposed to use
port 7070, but

wget http://son.radio-france.fr:7070/chaines/france-inter/gout_inter/evenements/culture.ra

hangs.  Somtimes sysadmins open up the 8080 port so you can do

wget http://son.radio-france.fr:8080/chaines/france-inter/gout_inter/evenements/culture.ra

as an alternative, but they don't have it here.

Does anyone have knowledge of this kind of issue?

Another question: in the past I have used a program that intercepts
your oss audio driver calls and saves an audio file.  This allows you
to save the result of any audio player to file.  I forgot the name of
it.  Does anyone know?  (Note that this is one way to convert .ra to

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