[nmglug] High Mayhem

Josh Gentry jgentry at swcp.com
Mon Nov 1 09:51:44 PST 2004

How did streaming the High Mayhem music festival go?  I was checking 
that out on your website, and that is a cool event for a LUG.

I think you are aware of the existence of the New Mexico Open Source 
User Group, www.nmosug.org.  The geographical distance is a bit of a 
barrier, but it seems like some cross-pollination between groups would 
be beneficial.   Are you guys really meeting every other thursday?

Nov. 10 is the next NMOSUG meeting, at TVI, and John Fleck is going to 
talk about his experience working on the Gnome project.  I think he 
worked mostly on documentation.  Should be interesting to hear some real 
experience working on one of these projects.  Anyone is welcome.



Josh Gentry 
help at swcp.com * jgentry at swcp.com *  505-232-7992
"XTC VS. Adam Ant, there is no right or wrong."  -TMBG 

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