[nmglug] Web Server for NMSEA

troy at banther-trx.homeunix.com troy at banther-trx.homeunix.com
Tue Sep 7 10:17:35 PDT 2004

Now there's a dream I have. Using solar power to break free from the grid 
and to eliminate our need on oil.

It would be great if there were grants for individual home-owners to go 

Using my Linux computer on solar power. What a concept.


troy banther, b.s. (squared)
strict dietary vegan and slackware linux user
<Disclaimer> Personal views, opinions, visions, thoughts, comments, 
sarcastic whims, forecasts, poetic outbursts, cynical wit, future plans, 
implementation ideas, OS preference, non-linear thinking, vegan food 
preferences, active non-violence, compassionate living, or anything else I 
might infer are mine only. Pretty much everything I say, do, think, or 
imply with punctuation should be considered my own. </Disclaimer>

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