[nmglug] mysql query

Andres Paglayan andres at paglayan.com
Tue Sep 28 15:11:29 PDT 2004

Hi All,
does anybody knows a good query that calculates age including months and 
days using mysql date functions?
I tried SELECT CURDATE( ) - dob AS age but it does bogus things when the 
month in dob is bigger than the current,
TO_DAYS( CURDATE( ) ) - TO_DAYS( dob ) AS alldays will give me the total 
days, but I am seeing no way to transform those in '1 year 3 months 5 
days'  from within mysql ,
I google it and there is plenty of calculations for the year, but 
nothing for months and days inclusive,
and it has to work before epoc,
Thank you,

Andres Paglayan
andres at paglayan.com
Ph: (505) 986-1561
Santa Fe, NM USA

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