[nmglug] Aztec has free wireless

Jason Davis mohadib at openactive.org
Tue Apr 12 21:02:59 PDT 2005

 The Aztec coffee house/cafe now has free wireless , and it is fast
too , business grade cable connection. So , please go by and tell them
you are apart of the group that set the stuff up and installed /
configured a Linux station for all to use.

Do stop buy and support a local coffee house owned by Sarah who
is a great person :p She loves the political aspects of Linux and
feels that Linux fits in nicely with a lot of the Aztec clientele.

They also have really great sandwiches and coffee , and a very
interesting and unique atmosphere. 

We as people , and Linux users must stick together and
Support each other and give back to the community

The way I see it , by us going to the Aztec , we will not only 
ensure the continued Linux exposure to Joe CoffieDrinker , we will
also support a locally owned business.

Last , our business at SFBC and the Aztec will make sure that internet
will always be available ...for people with a laptop....and wifi card...
but you get the point :p

The next meeting , not this Thurs but next , I will bring the Aztec's
Linux box by for us to screw with and refine as we all see fit. I would
have brought it to the last meeting but I ran out of time and did not
get the base stuff installed.


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