[nmglug] PC Resurrection with Debian

Tim Emerick timothyemerick at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 17 17:03:43 PDT 2005

I ran into this article last month but just recently tried it.  I was utterly
amazed that my old AMD K6-2/400 with 128megs ram and a 4 gig HD sprung right
back to life.  I had tried installing X with both KDE and GNOME only to be
sorely disappointed in the video performance.  I had even tried Ubuntu on
this old machine because I had heard that Ubuntu worked well on older

Having come from MS Windows I really enjoyed the inclusion of classic MS
keys.  alt-tab to switch between running applications, ctrl-c and ctrl-v to
copy/paste and it even worked between applications.

Hope someone can benefit from this and fire-up that old machine sitting in
their garage.



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