[nmglug] CDROM, Wheredit go?

Karl Hegbloom karlheg at laclinux.com
Sat Aug 6 21:35:23 PDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-05 at 13:13 -0600, a_kaluta wrote:
> Looking at  "Bios Setup Utility"  "Advanced" Primary IDE Master" is detected
> "Secondary IDE Master" not detected.

IIRC, that is a laptop?  It looks like the CD is not detected by the
BIOS at all, since it would probably be the master device on the second
IDE interface.  Try selecting it and from the menu that pops up, select
"autodetect".  It should find it then.

If the BIOS does not see the device, it's probable that Linux will not
see it either.

Karl Hegbloom <karlheg at laclinux.com>
Los Alamos Computers, Technical Support

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