[nmglug] CD-Rom wheredit go

Karl Hegbloom karlheg at laclinux.com
Fri Jul 22 15:03:07 PDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 07:24 -0600, a_kaluta wrote:
> It seems /cdrom , /dev/hdc  are no such file or directory.
> Kernal.log, says hdc: stat error:status=0x00 {}
> ide failed optcd was : unknown.

What is the output of 'lsmod'?  Are the 'cdrom' and 'ide-cd' modules
loaded, or not?  If not, try 'modprobe ide-cd' and see if it starts to

What Linux distro, distro release, and kernel are you running?

Karl Hegbloom <karlheg at laclinux.com>
Los Alamos Computers, Technical Support

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