[nmglug] CDROM, Wheredit go?

Sam Noble sam at laclinux.com
Thu Jul 28 09:38:49 PDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-07-28 at 09:29 -0700, WA7BSZ wrote:
> A question about:
> "Dear Club Members;
> I went to load a cd-disk from Sam.
> It seems /cdrom , /dev/hdc  are no such file or directory.
> Kernal.log, says hdc: stat error:status=0x00 {}
> ide failed optcd was : unknown."
> Did this cdrom ever work?  Did it work before and now it doesn't?

I think this might be the issue, this is DVD-RW media, it seemed ok
after I burned it, but I'd distrust the media more than the drive.

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