[nmglug] apache2

ccosse ccosse at asymptopia.org
Tue May 10 21:25:14 PDT 2005

a_kaluta wrote:

> Dear Glug;
> A beginners question and not from lack of persuing other sources. 
> i.e.Apache.org, Debian org., other ranging searches.
> ("Apache -a definitive guide" O'reilly,pp38-39.)
> The puzzle;
> "It might be a good idea to get a firm idea of what,in Apache 
> business, a web site is: it is a directory somewhere on the server, 
> say, /usr/www/APACHE3/site.for_instance.It usually contains a least 
> four subdirectories........:"
> If the conf subdirectory is not in the default location (and it 
> usually isn't).you need a flag that tells Apache where it is.
> i.e. httpd -d /usr/www/APACHE3/site.for_instance -f ..."
> "You can't do much with Apache without a web site to play with. To 
> embody our first shaky steps,we need to create site.toddle as a 
> subdirectory, /usr/www/APACHE3/site.toddle..."
> Do I conclude "/usr/www/APACHE3/site.toddle" is one of the possible 
> multiple copies of Apache that can exist on the Apache site?

This is a rather non-standard location for a server on a linux box, is 
it not? The
normal places are /var/www/apache or /usr/local/apache .... it just 
sounds like you
may have diverged from common practices early on such that any problems you
have may be compounded in some subtle way by the non-standardness of your
installation...unless apache3 wants to go in /usr/www, then i'm totally 

> "(pp.40) We can point httpd at our site with the -d flag
> % httpd -d /usr/www/APACHE3/site.toddle"
> Should I now be able to contact "/usr/www/APACHE3/site.toddle" by 
> bringing up a brower on the same computer on which Apache is installed 
> and by typing : "http://usr/www/APACHE3/site.toddle"?
You should tail your logfiles for apache and syslog etc ... the normal 
ways to
start apache are either 1)apachectl 2)/etc/init.d/apache start 3)other?
Tailing your logfiles will allow you to see more of whats going on and 
espcially, which will tell you what's not working and give you clues...

> Any thoughts towards solving this puzzle are welcome and as a new 
> member I must say nmglug is a delight.
> Anthony
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