[nmglug] wireless

Sam Noble sam at laclinux.com
Wed Nov 23 13:04:48 PST 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 13:42 -0700, a_kaluta wrote:
> Dear Club Members;
> I would like assistance getting my wireless working.
> I have the tar files for the ipw2200 on some lac restoration discs. In what 
> directory would I untar those files and where would  those untarred files be 
> placed.files? Thanks, Anthony Kaluta

That's source code for the kernel module. You can put it anywhere,
(traditionally /usr/src or ~/src)
You'll only need them though if you're building a new kernel. Are you?
If so you might consider building a 2.6.14.x kernel which has the
ipw2200 already included.
Or if you're planning to use a packaged kernel from Ubuntu I think they
have ipw drivers in there patchset.
So unless I'm guessing wrong at what you're up to I don't think you'll
need those files.

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