[nmglug] Pythoniso

Andres Paglayan andres at paglayan.com
Fri Sep 9 08:59:58 PDT 2005

Why not at the glug meeting?
I could bring a data proyector,

Mark Galassi wrote:

>    Andres> Hi All, Anybody good with Python?
>    Andres> The continuing education department at Albuquerque's UNM
>    Andres> is looking for a Python instructor for teaching "Beginning
>    Andres> Python".
>I just wrote to ask for more details; I use Python a lot and would
>be interested.
>I could practice by giving it as a free seminar in Santa Fe -- anyone
>interested in learning to program in Python?  It's really cool.
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>nmglug at nmglug.org

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