[nmglug] messed up permissions!

js at jasonschaefer.com js at jasonschaefer.com
Mon Apr 10 09:23:38 PDT 2006


The echo $UID does not work in tcsh, not sure why. Newer versions of OSX
switched to bash, which is much more popular. To find  your user id you
need to read the contents of /etc/passwd in OSX. You can do this with
grep, cat, less, vi, etc. (i.e., 'cat /etc/passwd'). Look for your user
and it will tell you  which uid you have. Its the first number after
your name. The second number is group ID.

Yes, you need to run chmod as root. You can't damage anything with this,
since you can always change it...


Brian O'Keefe wrote:

>On Monday 10 April 2006 8:15 am, Gary Sandine wrote:
>I ran the command and got "permission denied" for every file. I assume I just 
>run the command as "sudo" but I really want to be sure. There are alot of 
>files that will be changed-probably rightly so. Just really cautious.
>[Brian-OKeefes-Computer:~] brianoke% chown -R 
>1000 /volumes/UNTITLED/home/brianokeefe
>chown: changing ownership of `/volumes/UNTITLED/home/brianokeefe': Operation 
>not permitted....
>and on for many files.
>>On Sun, Apr 09, 2006 at 11:10:51PM -0600, Brian O'Keefe wrote:
>>>On Sunday 09 April 2006 10:34 pm, Gary Sandine wrote:
>>>I did before and got the same result so I ran:
>>>[Brian-OKeefes-Computer:~] brianoke% ls -al /volumes/UNTITLED/home*
>>>total 20
>>>drwxr-xr-x    3 brianoke wheel        4096 Oct 15 17:41 .
>>>drwxr-xr-x   22 brianoke wheel        4096 Apr  8 09:17 ..
>>>-rw-r--r--    1 root     wheel        6148 Oct 18 14:04 .DS_Store
>>>drwxr-xr-x   88 brianoke 1000         4096 Apr  9 11:19 brianokeefe
>>>Is this what you are looking for?
>>Yeah, I think I know what's going on.  I bet your UID (numeric
>>User ID) in Ubuntu is 1000 and your UID in OS X is some other number.
>>Your Ubuntu home directory is owned by the OS X UID, not the Ubuntu
>>What does this report?
>>grep brianoke /volumes/UNTITLED/etc/passwd
>>If your UID is 1000 (I bet that's what it is), do this:
>>chown -R 1000 /volumes/UNTITLED/home/brianoke
>>and you should be good.  Your OS X UID is some other number.  See
>>it by logging in to OS X as user brianoke and doing:
>>echo $UID
>>in a terminal.
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