[nmglug] lost xserver upon upgrade

Bob Knight bob at bobknight.net
Fri Apr 21 21:00:26 PDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Try "apt-get install xfree86-driver-synaptics". The X server's looking
for the synaptics touchpad driver, which ends up in
/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/synaptics_drv.so. I suspect that this will
cure your problems. Please post again if it doesn't...


Brian O'Keefe wrote:
> I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I'm going to include my posts 
> to the Ubuntu forums. I'm running Ubuntu on my powerbook and after 
> upgrading to the latest Beta version I have no xserver. Please read and 
> all help would be welcome!
>   read that it was best to do:
>   sudo apt-get upgrade
>   to avoid removing lots of installed packages that I've added to 
> breezy. Synaptic wanted to remove them and so did a dist upgrade 
> command so i did the "apt-get upgrade". Got a prompt in the panel to 
> restart. I did and now no Xserver starts. I get a message to check the 
> Xserver info and I did but that doesn't seem helpful-just version 6.8.2 
> installed.
>   If I run "sudo apt-get upgrade xserver-xorg", apt-get want s to remove 
> all of my KDE packages )I'm running Ubuntu) and a bunch of X11 stuff 
> to. It will install and upgrade many xserver- packages. Is this the way 
> to go and then just reinstall the KDE packages? Is there another way 
> around this?
> Well I did the "apt-get install xserver-xorg" and even though a bunch 
> of packages were removed and installed/upgraded I have the same 
> problem. I checked the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file and came up with 
> errors. This is at the end of the file:
>   (II) LoadModule: "ati"
>   (WW) Warning, couldn't open module ati
>   (II) UnloadModule: "ati"
>   (EE) Failed to load module "ati" (module does not exist, 0)
>   (II) LoadModule: "kbd"
>   (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/kbd_drv.so
>   (II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
>   compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.1
>   Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
>   ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.5
>   (II) LoadModule: "mouse"
>   (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/mouse_drv.so
>   (II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
>   compiled for, module version = 1.0.3
>   Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
>   ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.5
>   (II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
>   (WW) Warning, couldn't open module synaptics
>   (II) UnloadModule: "synaptics"
>   (EE) Failed to load module "synaptics" (module does not exist, 0)
>   (EE) No drivers available.
>   Fatal server error:
>   no screens found
> I should have mentioned that I'm on a Powerbook G4.
>   I found this in the archives but it makes no sense to me-what bold 
> section?:
>   Why do so difficult: This is what I did when I encountered this 
> problem.
>   "When you get the blank screen just do <ctrl><alt>F1
>   login.
>   type
>   sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>   find this section:
>   Section "Device"
>   Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon Mobility X700 (RV410 PCIE)"
>   Driver "fglrx"
>   BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
>   Option "monitorlayout" "LVDS,TMDS"
>   EndSection
>   just add the section that is bold.
>   BTW This is the fifth time i write this little howto on ubuntuforums, 
> you clould have found it yourself."
>   I tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" to no avail
> I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I'm going to include my posts
> to the Ubuntu forums. I'm running Ubuntu on my powerbook and after
> upgrading to the latest Beta version I have no xserver. Please read
> and all help would be welcome!
> <fontfamily><param>Verdana</param><smaller> read that it was best to
> do:
>  sudo apt-get upgrade
>  to avoid removing lots of installed packages that I've added to
> breezy. Synaptic wanted to remove them and so did a dist upgrade
> command so i did the "apt-get upgrade". Got a prompt in the panel to
> restart. I did and now no Xserver starts. I get a message to check the
> Xserver info and I did but that doesn't seem helpful-just version
> 6.8.2 installed.
>  If I run "sudo apt-get upgrade xserver-xorg", apt-get want s to
> remove all of my KDE packages )I'm running Ubuntu) and a bunch of X11
> stuff to. It will install and upgrade many xserver- packages. Is this
> the way to go and then just reinstall the KDE packages? Is there
> another way around this?
> Well I did the "apt-get install xserver-xorg" and even though a bunch
> of packages were removed and installed/upgraded I have the same
> problem. I checked the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file and came up with
> errors. This is at the end of the file:
>  (II) LoadModule: "ati"
>  (WW) Warning, couldn't open module ati
>  (II) UnloadModule: "ati"
>  (EE) Failed to load module "ati" (module does not exist, 0)
>  (II) LoadModule: "kbd"
>  (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/kbd_drv.so
>  (II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
>  compiled for 7.0.0, module version = 1.0.1
>  Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
>  ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.5
>  (II) LoadModule: "mouse"
>  (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/mouse_drv.so
>  (II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
>  compiled for, module version = 1.0.3
>  Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
>  ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 0.5
>  (II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
>  (WW) Warning, couldn't open module synaptics
>  (II) UnloadModule: "synaptics"
>  (EE) Failed to load module "synaptics" (module does not exist, 0)
>  (EE) No drivers available.
>  Fatal server error:
>  no screens found
> I should have mentioned that I'm on a Powerbook G4.
>  I found this in the archives but it makes no sense to me-what bold
> section?:
>  Why do so difficult: This is what I did when I encountered this
> problem.
> <italic> "When you get the blank screen just do <<ctrl><<alt>F1
>  login.
>  type 
>  sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>  find this section:
>  Section "Device"
>  Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon Mobility X700 (RV410 PCIE)"
>  Driver "fglrx"
>  BusID "PCI:1:0:0"
>  Option "monitorlayout" "LVDS,TMDS"
>  EndSection
>  just add the section that is bold.
>  BTW This is the fifth time i write this little howto on ubuntuforums,
> you clould have found it yourself."
>  I tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" to no
> avail.
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