[nmglug] wireless-less

a_kaluta akaluta at zianet.com
Thu Jun 1 19:35:06 PDT 2006

Dear Club Members:
Trying to get the wirless internet access working on my laptop.seeking 
dhclient.: eth0  sit0 unknown hardware address 776
no dhcpoffers received.
no working leases in persistent database.

ifup eth0: failed to bring up eth0

route -n: no content other than perminent headings.

ifconfig: sit0 up and running inet
             lo up and running
             eth0 up broadcast multicast

 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp


ifupdown: no suchfile or directory

route del -net default: no such process

iwconfig: no wireless extensions

/etc/hosts :includes 127,0,0,1

some of  the information files I have checked ,any thoughs on how to 
proceed,  are welcome.. Thanks Anthony Kaluta

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