[nmglug] FTP server

Tim Emerick timothyemerick at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 7 11:13:10 PDT 2006

I'm looking for a semi-anonymous ftp server.  What do I mean by semi-anonymous?
  - I want to have a the user database completely contained in the ftpd, no unix users. 
  - Users that are allowed access can download from a common area and can upload to a common area.  
  - I'm not interested in the users having their own file upload/download area.
  I've looked at ProFTPd but it uses unix users.  Tried WUftpd but it seems geared towards anonymous servers.  The closest match to what I'm looking for is warftpd ( http://www.warftpd.org ) but I used to run that on a win98 machine back in the day.
  Can anybody provide some input?  I'm running Debian Sarge on an old Pentium-MMX 300 which is also my Samba Server.

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