[nmglug] linux friendly player,

Sam Noble sam at thepromisedlan.org
Mon Oct 1 15:27:42 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 16:21 -0600, Andres Paglayan wrote:
> hehe, I just saw Sam's comment on the Cowon here
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1685522800 

I just spent 5 minutes looking through the archive's of this and NMLUG's
list trying to remember when I'd ever talked about my iaudio on a list
before I realized you meant the comment actually on newegg.

Which is nice cause now I don't have to repeat myself regarding
expandable memory and fiddly menus.

Obviously I was real pleased when it was new, (I gave it 5 eggs) I'm
still quite happy with it, and wouldn't consider replacing it with it
any other players I've seen so far. However the menus are even fiddlier
than I originally realized (and I have the insurance claim for my
rear-ending on St. Francis to prove it. [was <10mph no one got hurt])
Also I've managed to slightly crack the screen, which would be a huge
deal accept that it's barely noticeable and I bought I bought the newegg
warranty. (Now I just have to be willing to part with it long enough to
have it replaced.)

It's smaller than it looks in pictures, and being flashed based is nice,
because you never hear the hdd spin-up.
I did wind up buying an 8GB SD card already, and with that big card it
takes it several minutes to 'boot' after it's been connected via usb
especially if I've changed a lot of the file system (it creates some
kind of index.)

Incidentally in the middle of that last sentence, a coworker came in to
my office with his shiny new ipod touch. It's about three or four times
larger footprint, but about a fourth the thickness. (it's also got wifi
and a browser, but no expansion slot and no ogg support :P)

I'll be really interested to see if projects like rockbox evolve to
handle the complex ui's of devices like that, ( and to a lesser extent
of my Cowon.)
Rockbox on Maemo on Cowon? That'd be bitchin'

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