[nmglug] Local meetings in ABQ

Sam Noble sam at thepromisedlan.org
Tue Oct 30 20:36:42 PDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 20:54 -0400, lnconleynm at aol.com wrote:
> I would be interested in hosting a meeting here in Albuquerque.

Hey that's pretty exciting. If a few of you make this happen be sure to
let the list know in plenty of time, so maybe some Santa Fe or elsewhere
folks could drop in for the first nmglug-south :)

GPG key F343E5FC (fingerprint:DF37 93BC AFEC 0A6A CC08  4A95 3790 8B4C
F343 E5FC)
available at: http://www.thepromisedlan.org/sam_noble.gpg.asc

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