[nmglug] Local meetings in ABQ

Todd Richardson trichardson at cvecoop.org
Wed Oct 31 08:37:58 PDT 2007

Sorry for the late introduction, I joined this mailing list earlier in
the month.  I'm a sys admin from Artesia, NM and happened upon the
mailing list site.  Decided I was doing enough with open source
software, that I should join at least a mailing list for a group near me.

I might be interested in attending if it coincides with my schedule, and
isn't too soon.  Its more difficult for me to plan to be away from my
infrastructure for too long with some of the projects I have currently
going on. 

Anyway, I'm not an expert in linux, but I'm an enthusiast for OSS. 
Please keep the listees up to date concerning this development. 
-Todd Richardson
 IT/GIS Coordinator
 Central Valley Electric
 Artesia, NM
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