[nmglug] Script to check Apache

Andrew Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Thu Apr 17 05:30:21 PDT 2008

Perl has a complete http request module.  Just use it and then check the 
return code and act based on that.  If not, you should use something 
like wget or curl but you will need to RTFM to be sure you are checking 
the correct results.

Andrew Farnsworth

Deepan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am looking for a script to check if Apache is up
> and running, if not the script should send an
> email automatically. The script has to be run from
> a different machine (not from the machine that
> runs apache). So it has to query for a http
> address and if it receives any other reply that
> 200 OK, it should send the email. Can you guys
> suggest on how to go about ? Should I use curl ?
> or wget ? or ping ? I can handle the email part
> and cron part. If you guys have a similar script
> please share it if possible.
> Regards 
> Deepan 
> Sudoku Solver: http://www.sudoku-solver.net/ 
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