[nmglug] today's choice on qwest vs. comcast, upper canyon road area

Irish irish.masms at gmail.com
Thu Dec 25 12:30:14 PST 2008

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Mark Galassi <mark at galassi.org> wrote:
> Dudes, a friend of mine is thinking of getting cable modem or DSL, and
> cannot decide.  I have had rather reliable qwest.net DSL for many years,
> but I hear it changes in various parts of town, and that other people
> have nightmares with qwest and are happy with comcast.
> Does anyone here have inside knowledge on how the two approaches compare
> on upper canyon road?

DSL performance/throughput depends on how far you are from the DMARC.
The closer you are, the better/faster you will have. Cable modem
performance depends on how many folks are using the same section of
the network.

I went with DSL, since I was close to the DMARC and scored a spare
modem from a coworker. Also, I will never give any money to comcrap.

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