[nmglug] Mozilla apps freeze on print

Nick Frost nickf at nickorama.com
Fri Feb 1 23:24:16 PST 2008

BrianO'Keefe wrote:

> My brother bought a Microtel desktop loaded with Linspire which didn't
> work at all so we installed Ubuntu 7.10. It works great but there is no
> sound and it may be an ALSA problem. I have a vague memory of having to
> edit an ALS config file once but can't remember what I did. Any ideas of
> where to begin?

Well, haven't configured ALSA on Ubuntu lately, but on a Gentoo system 
it's simply a matter of compiling the appropriate module for your 
soundcard and then running;


and following the prompts.  Alsaconf should find your soundcard and walk 
you through the rest.  It *should* be pretty straightforward, though you 
may want to try some Ubuntu specific methods;


In my case it was necessary to re-emerge some applications for Gnome, 
specifically gstreamer, as I recall.

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Nicholas S. Frost
7 Avenida Vista Grande #325
Santa Fe, NM  87508

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