[nmglug] MySQL - Howto

Andy Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Tue Feb 26 10:08:44 PST 2008

  I figured you were Windows centric, at least for this project, as you 
were talking Excel.  No worries to me as I tend to work 3 or 4 different 
OSes at a time.  MacOSX is my laptop with Windows running in a VMWare 
session.  Then I usually connect to Linux / Solaris / AIX / (other 
commercial unix) for their backend systems.  You name it, I have 
probably worked on it.

Toad is a very nice front end into almost any database, it was 
originally Oracle only, but has been expanded to support multiple 
databases in the last few years.  The comercial version is very powerful 
and has many features that a DBA would want / need, but the free version 
is enough for most non-DBA uses.

I have taught a database class and have used excel spreadsheets to 
illustrate tables and their relationships.


Tim Emerick wrote:
> TOAD actually looked interesting to me.  I'm currently in a Microsoft-centric office.  It would seem that I could use TOAD as the front end on the XP machines in the office but run a linux app in the background managing the database.  I have never used a database before, Windows or Linux based which is where my dilemma lies.  My closest database experience is probably long lists of info in Excel.
> Tim.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: J. Marsden DeLapp <jmdelapp at delapp.com>
> To: NMGLUG.org mailing list <nmglug at nmglug.org>
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 7:51:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [nmglug] MySQL - Howto
> Andy Farnsworth wrote:
>> Also, look into the Toad for MySQL utiltity.  The free version should do 
>> everything you need for the next year or so, then you might investigate 
>> the full featured "for pay" version.
>> Toad for MySQL URL:
>> http://www.toadsoft.com/toadmysql/Overview.htm
> Toad looks pretty worthless to me.
> Minimum Software Requirements
>     * Microsoft® Windows® 2000, 2003, XP Professional, or Vista (32-bit and x64)
>     * Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
>     * Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later
>     * Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 5.0 or later (for viewing the Getting Started Guide)
>     * Client connectivity and configuration for each database (pre-requisite for connecting)
> I am a GNU/Linux user!
> Mars

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