[nmglug] Mozilla apps freeze on print

Nick Frost nickf at nickorama.com
Thu Jan 31 20:03:51 PST 2008

BrianO'Keefe wrote:

> I tried to print from Firefox>File>Print and the app froze. I killed it
> and tried Page Setup and freeze, Print Preview-freeze. I tried from
> Mozilla browser and freeze. Even Konqueror freezes. I did an update with
> Update Manager and several Cups packages were updated but that was 2
> weeks ago. Logging out and in or restarting do not help. Can anyone
> point me in a fix direction?

What happens (what kind of output do you get) when you run strace on a 
postscript file test print?

For example;

strace lpr /home/user/Desktop/testfile.ps

        _      _     __
  _ __ (_) ___| | __/ _|
| '_ \| |/ __| |/ / |_
| | | | | (__|   <|  _|
|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\_|
Nicholas S. Frost
7 Avenida Vista Grande #325
Santa Fe, NM  87508

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