[nmglug] Mozilla apps freeze on print

Nick Frost nickf at nickorama.com
Thu Jan 31 20:33:57 PST 2008

BrianO'Keefe wrote:

> Thanks for the speedy reply Nick. Sorry I posted before I got your email.
> Here's the output (!)
> read(3, " localhost.localdomain "..., 4096) = 840
> close(3)                                = 0
> munmap(0x3001d000, 4096)                = 0

Hmmm.  No obvious problem there (some of the "not 
founds...ld.so.nohwcap" are normal)

Ok. So, if a print job freezes and you kill the app.  What happens if 
you do;

sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart

and try the print job again. Does it freeze again?

Also, what is the output of lpstat -d (i.e. what is default printer set-up)

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Nicholas S. Frost
7 Avenida Vista Grande #325
Santa Fe, NM  87508

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