[nmglug] New CUPS server install, having issues need help.

BrianO'Keefe okeefe at cybermesa.com
Tue May 6 08:57:42 PDT 2008

How about downloading the source package
and building 5.2.0? I don't know if it will build for you but you could
try it. Check out the README file in the package after you download it
for the instructions. If you haven't ever built a package from source
you'll need to learn the command line a bit as it requires using a
terminal shell. It's not very difficult but if you don't know what I'm
talking about you have some learning to do.

Beau Bechdol wrote:
> I guess on this I will just keep trying. Ill let you all know If I fix it.
> On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 6:39 PM, Beau Bechdol <bbechdol at gmail.com
> <mailto:bbechdol at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I just setup CUPS on hardy and all went well. I installed CUPS
>     fine,The printer added fine, recognize fine and was showing up
>     fine. The issue that I have is that when I try to print anything
>     from any machine on my network all it prints is page after page
>     after page of white paper. No matter what setting i change it wont
>     fix it. I did see that it is using the Gutenprint 5.0.2 driver. I
>     belive that this is a driver related issue. I did some digging and
>     found that it seems that the 5.0.2 driver doent like Epson
>     printers. How can I update it to the latest or 5.1.7.
>     <http://5.1.7.> Some one said that that seems to have fixed it. I
>     just dont know how to update it or get new drivers.
>     Can someone help me please ?
>     Thanks in advance 
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