[nmglug] Kernel hackable locate?

a akaluta at taosnet.com
Wed Jul 15 05:58:40 PDT 2009

Has anyone have enough familiarity with what the author is
recommending,to advise me, how to best implement that authors statement:
"You should also give some thought to where you do your
Question: Specifically where/how best to assign,placement location
hackable kernel.


" So your first order of business is to come up with a kernel source
(either from the kernel.org network or your distributor’s kernel source
build a new kernel, and install it on your system. For reasons we’ll see
later, life is
generally easiest if you are actually running the target kernel when you
build your
modules, though this is not required.
               You should also give some thought to where you do your
               experimentation, development, and testing. We have done
our best to
               make our example modules safe and correct, but the
possibility of
               bugs is always present. Faults in kernel code can bring
about the
               demise of a user process or, occasionally, the entire
system. They do
               not normally create more serious problems, such as disk
               Nonetheless, it is advisable to do your kernel
experimentation on a
               system that does not contain data that you cannot afford
to lose, and
               that does not perform essential services. Kernel hackers
typically keep
               a “sacrificial” system around for the purpose of testing
new code.
So, if you do not yet have a suitable system with a configured and built
kernel source
tree on disk, now would be a good time to set that up. We’ll wait. Once
that task is
taken care of, you’ll be ready to start playing with kernel modules."


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