[nmglug] slow rsync

Andres Paglayan andres at paglayan.com
Tue Jun 9 18:53:34 PDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 18:43 -0600, J. Marsden DeLapp wrote:

> Andres Paglayan wrote:
> > On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 16:01 -0600, J. Marsden DeLapp wrote:
> >> I am having trouble with an extremely slow rsync connection from outside my office. This started a few weeks ago.
> >>
> >> Outgoing connections seem to be fine, including web browsing and email. A speed test shows normal speeds ~850k up/ 3 
> >> Mbps down
> >>
> >> Anyone got any ideas on how I can narrow down the problem and get it fixed?
> > I'll start with a speed test at the other end

> Using wget on a remote server to download a photo from my office server:
> 1,730,373   15.2K/s   in 1m 46s
> 2009-06-09 17:42:24 (15.9 KB/s)
> This is blazingly  fast compared to getting the same file via rsync
> 1.73M 100%    5.89kB/s    0:04:46 (xfer#1, to-check=0/2)
> sent 33 bytes  received 1.73M bytes  5.76K bytes/sec
> total size is 1.73M  speedup is 1.00

I'd continue with both,
an rsync local test at the sender's lan end
and another rsync local test at the receiver's lan end
then check for QoS in both networks,
and then whether any of both (if two) ISPs are throttling rsync

> Using wget to download a 70 MB movie from archive.org to the same remote server shows a very fast connection on the 
> remote server.
> 70,490,392  2.43M/s   in 27s
> 2009-06-09 17:58:33 (2.48 MB/s) - `e-dv095_pa_07_lessig_001.mpg' saved [70490392/70490392]
> Using wget to download the same movie to my office computer
> 70,490,392   180K/s   in 7m 15s
> 2009-06-09 18:14:18 (158 KB/s) - `e-dv095_pa_07_lessig_001.mpg' saved [70490392/70490392]

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