[nmglug] localhost
okeefe at cybermesa.com
Tue Sep 15 07:07:11 PDT 2009
thanks Jason. this is very clear and easy to follow. Actually, I
realized that I set a pstgres username and password when I set up
gnucash. Of course I didn't remember that at all and can't remember the
password either! I guess I can just set up a new user and password as
you describe.
Thanks again
Jason Schaefer wrote:
> Brian
> postgres has a lot of emphasis on out-of-box security. Its a little
> cumbersome at first but very nice. Pg has an auth config file you will
> want to be familiar with. Its called pg_hba.conf and on my system its
> here /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/pg_hba.conf.
> Default auth on my system was set to sameuser for local. So this will
> only allow you to connect to the postgres db as the postgres user. If
> you switch to root and then su to postgres you can then login to
> postgres on the command line and set a password.
> postgres$ psql
> alter user postgres with password 'changeme';
> You should also be able to do something like gksudo su postgres &
> pgadmin3 if you want a graphical interface for postgres. You can set a
> new user, pass and db. You can also set a password for the postgres
> user. Now the pg_hba.conf file needs to be set to allow password
> logins from localhost.
> local all all md5
> restart postgres and now you can login, locally, with a password to
> access postgres.
> Hope this helps and didn't confuse you further:-)
> Jason
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