[nmglug] ssh server crontab

a a at kaluta.us
Fri Jan 22 09:23:58 PST 2010

Swimming in unfamiliar waters here.

Once logged on via ssh to server, then inputing the following: "crontab
-e" something comes up which is not a text editor and does not seem to
have an apparent save function. Alternately trying "nano crontab -e"
does not seem to work,therein being, no crontab content.Trying the same
with sudo gets a permission denied and reported warning.

Well,fellows and dames,how do I limp out of this one?. tnx.

I would like the following changes: (note: below each respectively
appear as one line ).

0 * * * * /usr/bin/find /home/kaluta/jerry-camera -mtime +1 -exec rm -fr
"{}" ";"

0 * * * * /usr/bin/find /home/kaluta/jerry-camera/*.jpg -mtime +1 -exec
rm -fr "{}" ";"

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