[nmglug] 3d scanning

BrianO'Keefe okeefe at cybermesa.com
Fri Jun 25 07:47:14 PDT 2010


I need to make a 3d record of an object for a client. It's a tee stump 
about 3' tall and 24" at the base. I have been trying to find a service 
locally that could do a 3d scan of it and then I would have the file for 
later use. No luck. I've tried ABQ too-no luck. I have tried finding 
scanning software that uses a web cam or video camera with little luck. 
I found ScanDraiD at sourceforge but can't figure out how to install it. 
I'm at this point:

laptop:~/Downloads/ScanDraid/trunk/install/linux/cmake-make$ ls
CMakeCache.txt  CPackConfig.cmake        libscan3d  tests
CMakeFiles      CPackSourceConfig.cmake  scandraid

After checking the README file:
Depends on CImg which is included in the source distribution.

The build system for this project is cmake. You must create a build 
in another location than ./trunk e.g ./cmake-make. The cd into that 
and issue a cmake ../trunk to create all the files."

Now I don't know what to do. any scanners out there or help for an 
opensource solution that isn't outrageously expensive for hardware?

Many thanks

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