[nmglug] viewing multiple images

BrianO'Keefe okeefe at cybermesa.com
Sat Mar 6 09:57:07 PST 2010

I got a CAT scan and copied the image files, all 327, which are in dcm 
format. I downloaded and installed (hard!) gdcm which has a viewer for 
such images. It's a command line app and can load multiple files and 
when viewing, pressing the space bar shows the multiple images as 
animation or sequentially. My question is what command would load all of 
the images, 0000.dcm thru 0327.dcm. Currently I do:

gdcmviewer .0000.dcm 0001.dcm 0002.dcm

and so forth. However, it seems that either the shell won't accept all 
327 entries as it loads 20 or so and then stops. I don't know if this is 
due to the app (no documentation as to limits of number of files) or the 
shell not liking 327 files.
there must be asimple command to try all the files, yes?



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