[nmglug] printing emails

Jason Schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Thu Sep 2 19:17:50 PDT 2010

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 7:44 PM, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com> wrote:
> I have several hundred emails relevant to a project that I would like to
> print. I want to be able to hand a disc to another person that has all of
> the emails that they can then open on OS X and print out. I am running
> Ubuntu 9.10 and Thunderbird. Is there some sort of file type or archive that
> I can make that will work>
Hey Brian

You can create a folder from within thunderbird, copy or move all the
messages into it. And then send your friend the corresponding file in
your .thunderbird profile directory. For instance, if you made a
folder called "emails-for-friend" it would be a similar path to this
~/.thunderbird/asdf345.default/ImapMail/server/emails-for-friend (not
the .msf). It will be a plain text file that has all the emails you
placed into it...
Be aware, it will include the mime attachment text. This will waste
lots of paper if your messages have attachments. Otherwise, I imagine
you could probably copy the files (emails-for-friend and
emails-for-friend.msf) onto his thunderbird profile and they would
show up..

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