[nmglug] Cloning hd

Jason Schaefer js at jasonschaefer.com
Wed Aug 17 12:18:29 PDT 2011

Go ahead and delete that swap partition at /dev/sdc5 then move the sdc1 over
and recreate swap at the end of the disk you can create it at sdc5 again, so
that you won't need to change your /etc/fstab. Unless its using uuid's.. you
might just double check your fstab when you boot up. Also you will need to
"swapon -a" after you get fstab all sorted.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 12:47 PM, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com> wrote:

> **
> Hi all,
> I finally got around to cloning my hd to a larger drive and it seems to
> have worked just fine. Now I want to resize the partition into the
> unallocated space and that I can't figure out. I obviously need to move
> /dev/sdc2 to the right and then expand /de/sdc1 into the freed space. I
> can't move /sdc2 though. do I need to format the unallocated space first?
> Many thanks
> Brian
> Here's the disk in GParted:
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