[nmglug] cloning HD

Nick Frost nickf at frostitute.com
Tue Jan 4 09:33:29 PST 2011

On 01/04/2011 10:18 AM, BrianO'Keefe wrote:
> So do I need to create the partition on the new drive or just format 
> the drive to ext4 and then use Nick's dd command?
Neither.  If you "dd" a source drive to the target drive, the target 
drive will be an exact replica (partitions and file systems and 
all)...it's bootable and usable as is after the copy with dd.

The only thing you have to do (I think as Eric pointed out) is, if the 
target drive is larger capacity...use gparted (or something like it) to 
resize the copied partition(s) on the target drive to fill the available 
space on the target drive.


Nicholas S. Frost
7 Avenida Vista Grande #325
Santa Fe, NM  87508
nickf at nickorama.com

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