[nmglug] suggestions/help if I'm on the wrong track

Steve Katona srtraveler at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 15:22:31 PDT 2012

Thanks for the comments. Still looking...sk

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Sam Noble <s at mnoble.net> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 10:54:59AM -0600, Steve Katona wrote:
> > Here's what I want to do and wonder if there is software that will do it
> or
> > if there is a better way than I have in mind? A friend has posted about
> 115
> > YouTube talks that run from 5 minutes to near 30. A selection of them
> will
> > make a book that we think will sell but more importantly would be
> important
> > to be available. I transcribed one by starting and stopping the video and
> > typing (at my usual 25 wpm speed). This is tedious and time consuming.
> > Hiring someone to transcribe is a possibility.
> >
> > My question is does anyone know of voice to text software that can listen
> > to the YouTube being played and put that into a text file that I can
> > manipulate with OO or LibreOffice? Is there a better way?
> The only significant player I know of in free (as-in:) speech
> recognition, is sphinx/pocketsphinx (http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/)
> Unfortunately it's not especially usable.
> This looks like the closest thing to what you're trying to do:
> https://live.gnome.org/Gaupol/SpeechRecognition A nice gui subtitle
> editor with built in pocketsphinx.
> But I futzed with it for a while and haven't yet managed to get a
> working version of the gstreamer plugins for pocketsphinx going.
> Plus I have no idea how it well it would work if you did get it built or
> found some working binaries. Sphinx is pretty good at reading back "GO
> FORWARD 10 METERS" but I've never really seen it in action on live
> conversational speech.
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