[nmglug] AMD 64 bit

Rob Haag rhaag71 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 21:16:28 PDT 2012

Not bad for first hardware, I was just remembering recently how my first
computer had floppies (5.25"). My first hard drive was 15mb (yep, that is
Megabytes :) ). Now I'm giving my age away, but I know older nerds :) I'm
quite surprised lately at how cheap hardware is getting, I find (capable)
laptops for under $200. It makes it a bit easier to move onto new hardware
when they are so cheap, and recycling old ones is responsible too... so we
don't have to milk every last drop of service from the old units.

Good luck and your welcome, of course

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:10 AM, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com> wrote:

> **
> Thanks so much Rob. I've cloned my HD several times as larger cpacity ones
> came on market and installed them into this laptop and yes, SATA.  I think
> though that it's time to stop trying to make this workhorse pull the loads
> that newer OS versions and all the software that I've installed amount to.
> amazing to think my first computer was a Mac G3 Desktop with a 4GB HD!!
> I'll check out micro center for sure.
> Thanks again
> Brian
> On 08/16/2012 09:59 PM, Rob Haag wrote:
> Does your Toshiba have a SATA hard drive? All the new ones do, surely this
> unit at Newegg does too. But you may also sacrifice speed/reliability to
> swap it out. I may suggest you take an image of your old HDD with GParted
> or even the 'dd' command, then put that image on the new hard drive, then
> grow the new hard drive's partition to utilize the extra space (if the new
> on is bigger (in capacity)... or partition whats left over and mount that
> partition too. It's not a fantasy to swap hard drives though, if you
> thinking 'will it start up in the new hardware?'  Also, the new laptop you
> linked to certainly supports accelerated 3D graphics, which sounds like a
> step up for you in that department.
>  Just for the fun of it, check out Micro Center. Not every deal ships
> (some are 'in store only'). I re-located to Columbus, OH and we have Micro
> Center here, my dad just picked up a really nice Asus laptop for $249 that
> supports accelerated graphics, the RAM is a bit lower than what you found
> at Newegg, but could be upgraded for $20-30 to 4gb. I have had very good
> service from Micro Center too, they are very customer oriented. It's worth
> a quick look, but unfortunately most of the 'good' deals are 'in store only'
> MicroCenter http://www.microcenter.com/
>  Good luck,
> Rob Haag
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 11:36 PM, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com>wrote:
>>  Hey all,
>> I have the Toshiba satellite with an AMD 64 bit processor. One of my main
>> issues is that the notebook doesn't have the newer video capability to run
>> Ubuntu beyond what I have, which is 10.10 except in crappy 2D mode (or
>> vintage or whatever they call it).
>> This Acer laptop
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834215371&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL081612&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL081612-_-EMC-081612-Index-_-LaptopsNotebooks-_-34215371-L0A
>> is capable, I think, and I'm wondering if I could pop my HD from the
>> Toshiba into it and just run with it. Or is that a fantasy? The price is
>> great and it gets good reviews.
>> Advice?
>> Muchas gracias
>> Brian
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