[nmglug] AMD 64 bit

Andrew Farnsworth farnsaw at stonedoor.com
Fri Aug 17 14:16:40 PDT 2012

If the $60 is not too much, go for the  A5560-7414.  The .15 Ghz difference
won't make a difference really and if you are in single threaded / single
core mode this one will turbo up to 2.4 Ghz.  So you get more modern, more
powerful and faster cpu, better graphics, better power savings, a bigger HD
all for $60.  Sounds like a deal to me.  I know many people will state
otherwise, but have a Windows  license for you laptop is a good thing... it
improves resale value.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 4:36 PM, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com> wrote:

> **
> Anyone help me out with these laptops from Newegg?
> So this for $319:
> ASUS A53U-ES21 Notebook AMD Dual-Core Processor E-450(1.65GHz) 15.6" 4GB
> Memory DDR3 320GB HDD 5400rpm DVD±R/RW AMD Radeon HD 6320
> and I have a brand new 500GB HD for it.
> Or this for $379:
> Acer Aspire A5560-7414 Notebook AMD A-Series A6-3420M(1.5GHz) 15.6" 4GB
> Memory 500GB HDD 5400rpm DVD Super Multi AMD Radeon HD 6520G . The CPU is a
> quad core.
> Advice please?
> No on the HP I wrote about earlier as it has no optical drive.
> Many Thanks,
> Brian
> On 08/16/2012 10:16 PM, Rob Haag wrote:
> Not bad for first hardware, I was just remembering recently how my first
> computer had floppies (5.25"). My first hard drive was 15mb (yep, that is
> Megabytes :) ). Now I'm giving my age away, but I know older nerds :) I'm
> quite surprised lately at how cheap hardware is getting, I find (capable)
> laptops for under $200. It makes it a bit easier to move onto new hardware
> when they are so cheap, and recycling old ones is responsible too... so we
> don't have to milk every last drop of service from the old units.
>  Good luck and your welcome, of course
> Rob
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:10 AM, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com>wrote:
>>  Thanks so much Rob. I've cloned my HD several times as larger cpacity
>> ones came on market and installed them into this laptop and yes, SATA.  I
>> think though that it's time to stop trying to make this workhorse pull the
>> loads that newer OS versions and all the software that I've installed
>> amount to. amazing to think my first computer was a Mac G3 Desktop with a
>> 4GB HD!!
>> I'll check out micro center for sure.
>> Thanks again
>> Brian
>> On 08/16/2012 09:59 PM, Rob Haag wrote:
>> Does your Toshiba have a SATA hard drive? All the new ones do, surely
>> this unit at Newegg does too. But you may also sacrifice speed/reliability
>> to swap it out. I may suggest you take an image of your old HDD with
>> GParted or even the 'dd' command, then put that image on the new hard
>> drive, then grow the new hard drive's partition to utilize the extra space
>> (if the new on is bigger (in capacity)... or partition whats left over and
>> mount that partition too. It's not a fantasy to swap hard drives though, if
>> you thinking 'will it start up in the new hardware?'  Also, the new laptop
>> you linked to certainly supports accelerated 3D graphics, which sounds like
>> a step up for you in that department.
>>  Just for the fun of it, check out Micro Center. Not every deal ships
>> (some are 'in store only'). I re-located to Columbus, OH and we have Micro
>> Center here, my dad just picked up a really nice Asus laptop for $249 that
>> supports accelerated graphics, the RAM is a bit lower than what you found
>> at Newegg, but could be upgraded for $20-30 to 4gb. I have had very good
>> service from Micro Center too, they are very customer oriented. It's worth
>> a quick look, but unfortunately most of the 'good' deals are 'in store only'
>> MicroCenter http://www.microcenter.com/
>>  Good luck,
>> Rob Haag
>> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 11:36 PM, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com>wrote:
>>>  Hey all,
>>> I have the Toshiba satellite with an AMD 64 bit processor. One of my
>>> main issues is that the notebook doesn't have the newer video capability to
>>> run Ubuntu beyond what I have, which is 10.10 except in crappy 2D mode (or
>>> vintage or whatever they call it).
>>> This Acer laptop
>>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834215371&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL081612&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL081612-_-EMC-081612-Index-_-LaptopsNotebooks-_-34215371-L0A
>>> is capable, I think, and I'm wondering if I could pop my HD from the
>>> Toshiba into it and just run with it. Or is that a fantasy? The price is
>>> great and it gets good reviews.
>>> Advice?
>>> Muchas gracias
>>> Brian
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