[nmglug] dmesg output

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 14:07:06 PDT 2012

Brian, The invocation of 'nice' or 're-nicing' might slow down the
number of process calls from Firefox and in a sense tame it to behave
'nicely' with other applications. I don't know that there is a history
of Firefox being overly demanding and I have not had that kind of
issue even on older machines. By the way, on some much under equipped
machines I used Epiphany, a lighter weight browser. It has fewer
options and add-ons, but for basic surfing and e-mail it is quite
sufficient. Good luck, Ted P.

On 6/1/12, BrianO'Keefe <okeefe at cybermesa.com> wrote:
> Thanks much Ted. I checked out the man pages and manual and will have to
> study them to understand Nice. What I don't understand is why I should
> invoke it?
> On 05/31/2012 06:06 PM, Ted Pomeroy wrote:
>> Brian and NMGlugers; Nice is an attribute of any application. I think
>> you can "re-nice" in 'top' on the command line. I have not done this,
>> but you can read the manual. Nice and renice have manual pages. but
>> the physical change is probably your best first action. SFBC is not my
>> first choice for that level of dis-assembly. Nor is our usual meeting
>> hour likely to be quite enough time. Maybe Scott has an idea of how
>> long this might take on a laptop.
>> Ted P.

"Put up in a place, where it's easy to see
the cryptic admonishment: T. T. T.
When you feel how depressingly
slowly you climb,
it's well to remember that Things Take Time."
Piet Hein

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