[nmglug] Using Flow Control

Satsangat Khalsa satsangat at khalsa.com
Fri May 4 15:11:44 PDT 2012

Hey John,
   Didn't know you were an NMGLUGer.  I, also, find those control command
lifesavers sometimes.  Hoping to have my Thinkpad X61 byt Monday and
leaning towards loading either Kubuntu or Lubuntu.

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 1:43 PM, John Osmon <josmon at rigozsaurus.com> wrote:

> On Fri, May 04, 2012 at 12:40:29PM -0600, Scott Gamble wrote:
> [...]
> > (to pause text press ctrl +s )   (to resume ctrl +q)   (  I found
> > that pressing any key resumes the text)
> Most "old timers" will know this as XON/XOFF flow control.  It's
> horribly useful, and I'm glad new generations are finding it!
> They both work on the bash command line as well.  Extremely useful
> in terminal/non-windowed environments.
> Another set of helpers that let me navigate the command line
> faster:
>  ^a -- moves the cursor to the start of the line
>  ^e -- moves the cursor to the end of the line
>  ^u -- erases to the beginning of the line
> <voice type=old&warbly> back when we only had VT52 terminals, we used
> had these keystrokes hardwired into our brain </voice>
> (I also find myself hitting the escape key at the end of paragraphs
> when using Word and the like too...)
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