[nmglug] dmesg output

Ted Pomeroy ted.pome at gmail.com
Thu May 31 17:06:55 PDT 2012

Brian and NMGlugers; Nice is an attribute of any application. I think
you can "re-nice" in 'top' on the command line. I have not done this,
but you can read the manual. Nice and renice have manual pages. but
the physical change is probably your best first action. SFBC is not my
first choice for that level of dis-assembly. Nor is our usual meeting
hour likely to be quite enough time. Maybe Scott has an idea of how
long this might take on a laptop.
Ted P.

"Put up in a place, where it's easy to see
the cryptic admonishment: T. T. T.
When you feel how depressingly
slowly you climb,
it's well to remember that Things Take Time."
Piet Hein

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