[nmglug] linux based amateur radio inc. VOIP

akaluta a at kaluta.us
Wed Jul 24 05:33:40 PDT 2013

Esteemed Persons of NMGlug;
During the last glug meeting we were in part discussing VOIP amateur 
radio,I have used echolink extensively however it can only run  on linux 
via wine,many frowns occurred among those esteemed persons present at 
that meeting.Alternately there are a few linux based systems available 
to amateur radio.One IRLP another which I forget to mention is allstar 
also based on Linux using Asterisks PBS program plus an app. With a 
basic radio license these options are readily available.The basic 
license itself can be obtained by taking a two day cost free weekend 
course given  by volunteer FCC qualified radio amateurs,upon completion 
of the 2 day weekend course participants may take the exam. FCC cost 
about $20.Locally the courses are given by the Las Alamos Radio Club,and 
the Albuquerque radio club.

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