[nmglug] Anyone need two Soneplex Remote HDSL Modules or an Intellex DV16000?

Sean Leonard meanderingcode at aetherislands.net
Mon May 6 08:17:55 PDT 2013

I'm glad to hear they will find more life before the energy and waste
required to recycle them is spent!

I will be in Albuquerque during this Thursday's NGLUG meeting, but i will
be in Santa Fe tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.  I'll also be in Albuquerque for
the NMTC Cybersecurity lunch event on Friday.  If you will be in either
city during those times, let me know and we can arrange to meet.  If not,
let's coordinate something else.

In case i didn't make it clear, i cannot vouch for the true condition of
either piece.  They were installed in the Cerrillos Rd Borders, so my
assumption is that they were in use there, but i never hacked on either of
them, myself.


On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Satsangat Khalsa <satsangat at khalsa.com>wrote:

> I'd be interested in trying to make something of those.
> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Sean Leonard <
> meanderingcode at aetherislands.net> wrote:
>> When the Borders on Cerrillos shut down, I ended up with their security
>> video computer (Intellex DV16000, sans HDDs) and their pair of SPX-HLXRG4
>> HDSL modules in the chasis.  I had thought i would tinker, but i'm moving
>> and am downsizing my collection of stuff.
>> If anyone is interested, drop me a line.  Otherwise, they're going to
>> Dotfoil for recycling.  Photos on Google Drive..
>> Cheers,
>> sean
>>  IMG_20130504_223858.jpg<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2NvpVGXWJcEc0huUzVKRVItR1U/edit?usp=drive_web>
>>  IMG_20130504_223120.jpg<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2NvpVGXWJcENUZ3UGR1aWVoLW8/edit?usp=drive_web>
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